Alle Veröffentlichungen unseres Teams sind nach Jahren geordnet. Sie können auch nach Autor und Titel filtern. Ecosystem Services. Narimanov, Nijat, Heuschele, Jonna M. Journal of Chemical Ecology. Ecology and Evolution. Komatsu, Kimberly J. StanleyKattge, JensKimmel, Kaitlin, Koerner, Sally E. Adam, Münkemüller, Tamara, Ohlert, Timothy, Onstein, Renske E. Sci Data. Diversity and Distributions. Winkler, Daniel E. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Compagnoni, AldoChilds, Dylan, Knight, Tiffany M. Compagnoni, AldoEvers, SanneKnight, Tiffany Iordache Silvia Andreea Prostituierte : Spatial replication can best advance our understanding of population responses to climate. Donohue, Ian, Coscieme, Luca, Gellner, Gabriel, Yang, QiangJackson, Andrew L. Ecological Economics. Evers, Sanne M. Journal of Ecology. Fristoe, Trevor S. Gascoigne, Samuel J. Ruth, Burns, Jean H. Lanuza, Jose B. Biol Lett. Ohse, BettinaCompagnoni, AldoFarrior, Caroline E. Plos, CarolinStelbrink, Niklas, Römermann, ChristineKnight, Tiffany MarieHensen, Isabell : Abiotic conditions affect nectar properties and flower visitation in four herbaceous plant species. Soman, Saneesh CherapurathAnjaneyulu, Paradesi, Kumar, Midigesi Anil, Sharma, Himani, Rao, Boyina Ravi Prasad, Ladouceur, EmmaKnight, Tiffany Marie : Enhancing ecosystem services through collaborative grass removal and fire exclusion in the Eastern Ghats. Vitt, PatiTaylor, Amanda, Rakosy, DemetraKreft, Holger, Meyer, Abby, Weigelt, Patrick, Knight, Tiffany Marie : Global conservation prioritization for the Orchidaceae. Scientific Reports. Wisnoski, Nathan I. Zhang, Zhijie, Yang, QiangFristoe, Trevor S. Science Advances. Zoller, LeanaBennett, Joanne, Knight, Tiffany Marie : Plant—pollinator network change across a century in the subarctic. Andrzejak, MartinKorell, LotteAuge, HaraldKnight, Tiffany Marie : Effects of climate change and pollen supplementation on the reproductive success of two grassland plant species. Dunker, SusanneBoyd, Matthew, Durka, WalterErler, Silvio, Harpole, W. StanleyHenning, Silvia, Herzschuh, Ulrike, Hornick, ThomasKnight, Tiffany MarieLips, Stefan, Mäder, Iordache Silvia Andreea ProstituierteMotivans, ElenaMozarowski, Steven, Rakosy, DemetraRömermann, ChristineSchmitt-Jansen, Mechthild, Stoof-Leichsenring, Kathleen, Stratmann, Frank, Treudler, Regina, Virtanen, Risto, Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin, Wilhelm, Christian : The potential of multispectral imaging flow cytometry for environmental monitoring. Cytometry Part A.
As they assessed the results of implementing MDGs, the experts have noted some problems that occurred as a result of lower discussions on the implementation of these objectives and the low role played by local authorities. Zizka, Alexander , Silvestro, Daniele, Vitt, Pati , Knight, Tiffany Marie : Automated conservation assessment of the orchid family with deep learning. The result would be a world free of poverty, hunger, disease, fear and violence. Methods in Ecology and Evolution Open Access Publikationen Bernhardt-Roemermann, Markus, Baeten, Lander, Craven, Dylan , De Frenne, Pieter, Hedl, Radim, Lenoir, Jonathan, Bert, Didier, Brunet, Jorg, Chudomelova, Marketa, Decocq, Guillaume, Dierschke, Hartmut, Dirnboeck, Thomas, Doerfler, Inken, Heinken, Thilo, Hermy, Martin, Hommel, Patrick, Jaroszewicz, Bogdan, Keczynski, Andrzej, Kelly, Daniel L. The environmental and ecological aspects from MDGs have an important impact on maintaining the fauna and flora intact.
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Institut für Anatomie. Sängerin Maria Ta˘nase und gründet mit Silvia Hofmann Auf der Maur das Frauenkulturarchiv. Hundefans aufgepasst: Heute ist Welthundetag. Institut für Physiologie. Institute. Deshalb freuen wir uns über viele schöne Fotos von euren Hunden in den Kommentaren. . Institut für Biochemie und Zellbiologie. In. Iordache, die ebenfalls aus Rumänien stammende. The book is dedicated to the th anniversary of the Romanian Academy. It contains the most valuable papers presented at the International Conference. Institut für Medizinische Psychologie.The maternal mortality ratio has decreased to about half the value of from maternal deaths per live births in to maternal deaths per live births in , with an important decrease since the year Even if the results are encouraging the evolution must continue in order the achieve gender equality. Ensure environmental sustainability. Blowes, Shane A. This situation is generated by the lack of proper medical assistance at birth and after birth in some of the developing regions. The most important step in this area relates, however, to establishing a logic correlation based on coherence between the solutions undertaken by developing a nonlinear economy and their predictability Figure 3 , so as to register and confirm concerned realism process. Plant and Soil The construction of development models should be dominated by rationality. EN DE FR. A social and solidary economy not excluding profit was increasingly accepted. People who are vulnerable in terms of disability, ethnicity, geographic location and even sex or age need additional attention in the future. Die Prostitution wirft eine weitere Frage für diejenigen auf, die sie ausüben. Science Advances Kaukasus replay Video. Journal of Ecology Ecological Economics. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Poorter, Lourens, Ongers, Frans B. Because of this reason, at the UN Global Forum in Uganda, the importance of intergovernmental partnership was emphasized. Fiskel, J. Keywords: new development, linear economy, nonlinear economy, sustainable development. The metrics of the new Sustainable Development Goals needs to be more accurate than those of the Millennium Development Goals and for this the collection of suitable data must be developed, especially in the least developed countries and regions of the world. Promote gender equality and empower women. Part 1: Effects on Community Structure. Abstract: Millennium Development Goals MDGs represent one of the boldest initiatives of our time to promote sustainable development. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Adams, W. Export Citation ProCite RefWorks Reference Manager. Plant Biology Meadowcroft, J. Basic and Applied Ecology The fifth goal is to improve maternal health.