Kussmann studied film and photography at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Since then he has worked not only as a photographer, but also as a cameraman. He currently lives in Berlin. The film is a one-hour documentary about life in the Belarusian province. Kussmann was born Braunlager Frau Will Ficken Filme Anschauen the year the Berlin Wall fell and so he no longer experienced the distinction between FRG and GDR. He lists pictures there. He took photographs in major German cities Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Munich, Berlin…in small German towns Bad Vilbel, Braunlage, Templin, Sassnitz… and in the countryside near Ilmenau…. The 1-page documentation of the recording locations at the end of the book is essentially the only textual documentation we find in the book apart from the acknowledgments. Most of the time it just says the place — Berlin. Frankfurt am Main. But there are a handful of exceptions: If writing can be seen in the images, graffiti, newspapers, posters, etc. Braunlager Frau Will Ficken Filme Anschauen mystery and confusion about what exactly happened, what the photographer planned to do, how he proceeded. The pictures, he might think, speak for themselves. So far so possibly true, even if I see it differently for myself and prefer to write about what I depict, simply to explain a few things, clarify them and point them beyond the pictures. Same here. Sometimes this unease is explicit in the form of physical acts or graffitied slogans, but more often it is uncannily suppressed. What do the pictures show about the Federal Republic of Germany? It is taken from above, quite blurry, pedestrian zone, old street lamps, a few pedestrians, a Commerzbank branch can be seen in the background. Anyone who has ever been to Frankfurt am Main will rightly suspect that this is at Opernplatz. At second glance, after allowing ourselves to be confused by the blurring of the image, we realize that it is actually a photo of a banner or a poster; we see that this very banner is torn at the edge and is hanging down slightly — and behind it you can see a wooden wall with a piece of graffiti or something. So we were deceived. This is not a picture of the Opera Square, but the picture of a picture of the Opera Square. Zella-Mehlis: Small town in Thuringia, 12, inhabitants, is located near Suhl, southwest of Erfurt. On the gray wall of some warehouse or something, there is a large, colorful painting: a red sun, in front of it two flying people my association: Daedalus and Icarusunderneath a rugged, brightly colored landscape, perhaps the cross section of a volcano. The location where this public art is located is already very overgrown and does not appear to be a very representative place. If only they knew that they only serve the geopolitical power interests of the USA, ultimately. Avoid the mass media, start thinking, for all of us! Continue to picture Someone is lying on a wire-mesh park bench with his back to us. The young man left his shoes under the bench. We remember: Kussmann often slept outside in the summer of when he created this series of pictures. So it could be a friend sleeping outside, or someone stranger. Or even a self-portrait of the photographer. At least an indication of how the series was created. People now appear more and more often as accessories, as figures in city landscape images: a woman sitting at the entrance to a table dance bar in Munich, a woman from Leipzig pushing a bicycle in front of police officers in protective clothing and helmets, a man at a bar table next to a dart machine in a Siegen pub, two older men in front of a toilet facility in Warnemünde, one in swimming trunks, the other in a green shirt on a plastic chair. The connection can also be found in the immediately following picture from the Warnemünde nudist beach with a row of naked bathers on the Baltic Sea, from behind.
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