Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Michel Houellebecq. Genres Fiction France Novels French Literature Literature Contemporary 21st Century Loading interface About the author. Michel Houellebecq 66 books 7, followers. To admirers he is a writer in the tradition of literary provocation that reaches back to the Marquis de Sade and Baudelaire; to detractors he is a peddler, who writes vulgar sleazy literature to shock. His works though, particularly Atomised, have received high praise from the French literary intelligentsia, with generally positive international critical response, Having written poetry and a biography of the horror writer H. Lovecraft, he brought out his first novel Extension du domaine de la lutte in After a disastrous publicity tour for this book, which led to his being taken to court for inciting racial hatred, he went to Ireland to write. In he published Ce Simt Femeile Cand Fac Sex Carte et le Territoire published the same year in English as The Map and the Territory which won the prestigious Prix Goncourt; and, inSubmission. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 1, reviews. Paul Bryant. An rated review of an rated book. Now read on! It was a Saturday night, the place was quite full. We met a really nice black couple; she was a nurse and he was a jazz drummer. He suggested a double penetration to Valerie. She agreed, as long as I was the one to sodomise her. So the two guys do the two girls and I must admit I lolled at this : Everything went smoothly, I was agreeably surprised by my own stamina. Or not, of course. A maid sees them. Valerie got up, walked towards her, and held out her hands. Mais bien sur, again. Well, this is all ridiculous French Swingers A-Go-Go, and it makes it Platform a very silly novel indeed. This novel is about sex tourism and never mentions drugs, or the miserable lives of the sex workers. In fact, all the sex workers are happy hookers who are glad to be able to work that thing to Ce Simt Femeile Cand Fac Sex joy to the face of whatever potbellied manbreasted Western male they are lucky enough to have copped off with. I should say that this did not make Platform resound with believability for me. Anyway, in Platform we get the narrative of a disenchanted loner who goes on a sex holiday to Thailand and hooks up with one of his fellow tourists Valerie and falls in love. And they have great and plentiful sex see above. So this is standard male fantasy territory in porn and in Hollywood, all males over the age of 40 are able to captivate a knockout girl in her 20s. Also in arty movies, same thing. Look at all Woody Allen movies. I saw Manhattan recently - in that a late 30s Woody is sleeping with Marielle Hemingway who is
Maru Kun. The story begins with the narrator's Michel's father being murdered. Este exact ceea ce i propune aceast carte, ntr-un mod unic i ptrunztor. Especially the sex scenes which are ludicrous and pure fantasy on Houellebeq's part. Michel is prone to flashes of pointless rage, but his biggest characteristic is a fear of Muslims.
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―The Report will establish the level of knowledge and diffusion of Palliative Care. II. EDUCAREA ADULȚILOR ÎN PRACTICA NOASTRĂ ABILITĂȚI INDIVIDUALE: ÎNGRIJIRE DE SINE. Adică nu e doar ceva masculin să te culci. Feminismul este despre respectul fata de sexul opus, respectul fata de tine si, mai important, feminismul este despre progres. M-am cufundat in. Să vezi dacă poți face sex fără să te atașezi? Am amutit. 1 Proposed intellectual output 2 (from the application). Merită spus că femeile și bărbații sunt la egalitate în acest domeniu.Geld verdienen mit Amazon. EMMANUEL SMITH. The fact that what we read is in the mind of an unsympathetic individual but yet seems so true and real causes a certain discomfort that only honesty can exorcise. Isn't it nice how the misogyny and Islamophobia threads are both resolved in one fell swoop? I saw Manhattan recently - in that a late 30s Woody is sleeping with Marielle Hemingway who is Valeriu Gherghel. Genres Fiction France Novels French Literature Literature Contemporary 21st Century Iubirea CA Un Mod de Viata - - 5p-Pages 1 - Compressed. And women like Valerie love threesomes and open relationships like most women. October ' We watch everything through the eyes of a year-old man who seems to be alienated from everything and everyone in a Meursault kind of way. There is a lot of local color of urban France and Thailand and, actually, not all that much sex. Oferim servicii de masaj si la hotel Va asteptam sa va relaxati corpul Join Free Now! That would be something of a start, I guess. At the same time, the immediacy of the writing style gives the novel an unpleasantly realistic aura that serves as a starting point for several questionings. John Gottman. We get to see a couple of Michel's encounters with Thai massage girls; these scenes were nicely done, and came across as credible. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Pure fantasy but overtly so and should be read in that spirit. If I had to give a short assessment of Platform, its misogyny and Islamophobia are ultimately so unsubtle and cartoonish that they would hardly merit a mention. I always find something to like in his work. Precht Richard David. Author 3 books 6, followers. Recunosc, aceste cliee conin i un strop de adevr cteodat, ne este mai uor s ne exprimm sentimentele pentru biatul care ne livreaz pizza i mai greu s ni le manifestm fa de tine. Zu Seite. She's very successful in her career as a low-ranking executive in a travel agency. Paul Bryant. Pudori de-astea Or they could be lying. We get it; women are stupid, worthless whores. But does anyone really doubt that commercially organized sex tourism would be a successful concept if it was allowed? Fac doar deplasariCostumatia o alegi tu!